9 Mental Health Tips for Youth

Just because kids don’t bear the same responsibilities as adults, that doesn’t mean that they don’t feel scared or anxious during stressful times. Our team at Therapists of Southern California focuses on building social emotional aptitude and promotes their overall positive mental health. The following tips can help both you and your child get through times of crisis or just everyday life:

Talk Openly About Feelings

Maintain open channels of communication, reassuring children that they can share their feelings with you regardless of the circumstances. Validate their emotions, emphasizing the value of their feelings, fostering a lifelong habit of open dialogue.

Establish and Follow a Routine

Children thrive on routine, and disruptions to their daily lives can contribute to stress and uncertainty. Create a daily schedule encompassing study time, play, snacks, meals, and a consistent bedtime routine, as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics through the Brush, Book, Bed program.

Keep Things Simple

In times of crisis, it’s important to be open and honest with kids. But you need to do it in a way that they can easily comprehend. Keep the information you share with them about current events simple. The simpler you keep your conversations about the crisis, the fewer reasons your child will have to feel stressed about it.

Teach Them Healthy Ways to Manage Stress

Even if you create the ideal environment for your child, they will experience stress from time to time. And as they grow up, they will experience new things to stress about. So when they’re young it’s a good idea to teach them how to deal with their stress in healthy ways. Teach them some strategies for managing stress in the moment to release tension.

Limit Exposure to News

During stressful times, restrict children’s exposure to news and media coverage. Constant information intake can induce anxiety and confusion in children, necessitating a balance between staying informed and shielding them from excessive distress.

Prioritize Playtime

Promote your child’s mental well-being by ensuring they have ample time for play. Allowing them to express creativity, engage their imaginations, and focus on enjoyable activities contributes positively to their mental health.

Get Them Moving

When carving out time for play, make sure some of that time is dedicated to physical activity. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that children over six get at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day. Getting outside and active (in safe ways, of course) is one of the most uplifting mental health tips for kids. Anything that gets them moving can help them work off anxious energy and can also boost their mood and help them sleep.

Watch Out For Signs of Trouble

Stay vigilant for signs of mental distress in your child, as they may vary. Not every child is the same, so it can be difficult to identify them. However, there are some signs that you should take action

  • Difficulty controlling emotions
  • Avoidance of normal activities
  • Withdrawing from relationships with friends and family
  • Difficulty keeping up with responsibilities
  • Erratic behavior or outbursts of anger
  • Continuous sad mood
  • Changes in eating or weight loss

Talk to a Professional

The last mental health tip we have for kids is one of the most important. If you see signs your child is struggling with their mental health, you should contact their pediatrician. They can evaluate your child and possibly recommend a specialist that will have even more mental health tips for kids.

Please reach out. Our team at Therapists of Southern California can provide the additional support your kiddo. Please call or text us at (949) 245-7442 or book an appointment online or enter your information below in the Contact Us Now form below.